What are the health and safety risks of handling concrete?

There is always a risk in managing the safety of the people involved, no matter the size or location of the job. We strongly recommend you take the time to read the health and safety information on this website


How much concrete will I need?

Concrete quantities, like any other measure of volume are calculated by multiplying length x width x depth (or height) and are measured in cubic yards.

For example: If a room measures 9 feet x 9 feet and the depth of the concrete floor is to be four inches, the calculation is 9 x 9 x 0.33 = __27__ then divide by 27 = 1 CY
Make sure that you work out your sum in the same units (don’t mix yards and feet).

Use the volume calculator on the national Aggregate Industries website.


How long do I get before the concrete goes off?

The chemical reaction that takes place within a concrete mix begins as soon as the cement and water are mixed together. This means that usually you will have between one to two hours once the concrete arrives on your job to place, level, compact and finish the mix. Higher strength mixes will generally give a little less working time than lower strength. Please ensure you have enough people to complete your project on time. Our dispatch team will work with you come up with the best delivery time.

We do offer high performance products which gain early high strengths, when faster strength gains are required.


I’m using wheelbarrows to move the concrete during delivery – how long will it take?

It takes about 20 wheelbarrows to carry 1 cubic yard of concrete. Make sure you have the capacity and man power to move concrete this way. Don’t forget to take into consideration the setting time of concrete when trying to move it via wheelbarrow.


What should I consider if I’m using a concrete pump?

A concrete pump would be used when barrowing is just not an option. For example, the concrete volume ordered is too much for you to move via wheelbarrow, or too far for you to barrow.

A concrete pump is a separate vehicle required and tends to arrive on site 45 minutes before your ready mixed concrete order. This gives the operator time to set up.

You may want to consider working with one of our Platinum Customers to lay the concrete for a larger residential project.


How much does a cubic yard of concrete weight?

One cubic yard of concrete weights around 4000 lbs


What preparation do I need to do?

See the section on “How to lay concrete”


What should I do when the concrete arrives?

Check the delivery ticket to confirm the correct concrete and quantity has been delivered.

Advise the driver where the concrete is to be unloaded.

Direct the truck-mixer to the point of placing.

Please be aware that concrete is both abrasive and alkaline, so protective clothing, gloves, boots, overalls and safety glasses, etc., should always be worn. Cement can burn sensitive skin.


What are the dimensions of your trucks?

Average Width: 10 feet
Average Length: 36 feet
Average Height: 12 feet 9 inches
Average Weight (Empty): 30,000 lbs
Average Weight (Full): 78,000 lbs
Average Rear Chute Length: 16 feet
Average Front Chute Length: 20 feet
Average Width (inside tires): 4 feet

Please ensure that you can provide safe and reasonable access for the truck mixer. We cannot be responsible for damage caused to sidewalks, driveways, etc. You will be asked to sign an indemnity form at the time of delivery. Assuming the truck can position itself at right angles to the job, the chutes have a maximum reach of about 16 feet. Please allow a minimum of 15 feet in height and 15 feet in width for the vehicle to enter an opening, like a gateway.


What is in your concrete that makes SuperEx and SuperSeries products resistant to freezing?

We use an air entrainment method that was developed in the late 1930’s for use with exterior applications to increase resistance to freezing when exposed to water and deicing chemicals. Ready mix producers precisely measure the amount of air entrainment to put into a yard of concrete. This process is typically done at the plant for consistency; however, there are cases where air entrainment may be added at the jobsite. Too much air entrainment can cause the concrete to weaken and finishing issues. Too little air entrainment will not be resistance to freezing when exposed to water and deicing chemicals. Tests may be run at the jobsite and plant to ensure the air entrainment is stable and accurate. The common range for concrete exposed to freezing and thawing is five to seven percent. However, some applications may require more or less.


When the truck mixer arrives on site, what should I expect?

When the truck mixer arrives, the driver will assess the required delivery location, and discuss with you the best and safest method of discharging the concrete into the place you require. If it is not possible to get the truck mixer close enough, and you have notified us at the time of ordering that you may require it, off-loading directly into wheelbarrows will be possible.

If the truck mixer is required on site for more than 60 minutes, a small additional charge may be applied.


How long can the truck be on site?

The truck is normally on site for 60 minutes. Any additional time will need to be prearranged with our dispatch team.


When do I place my order?

A minimum of 48 hours notice is required for concrete orders.
All orders will be confirmed with you by our dispatch team.


How do I pay?

Payment can be made by Visa or Mastercard at the time of ordering through our dispatch team. You can pay by cash at the time of delivery, no checks will be accepted.


Will you deliver 24 hours a day?

We will strive to accommodate you between 6 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. during the summer, and between 6 a.m and 4 p.m. in the winter.


What happens if I order too much concrete?

You get charged for what you order not for what you use. If you need more advice, please contact our dispatch team.


Will the delivery time for my concrete be precise?

Industry standard is 85% on-time with a 10 minute window.  However, we are more precise if the order is placed 48 hours in advance.  Weather, traffic can effect on-time delivery so please be patience.

We do aim to deliver within 10 minutes of the specified time you arranged with our dispatch team. We will notify you if we are delayed any longer than this.


Will you do a site visit?

We do have a dedicated sales team and site visits can be arranged.


What if I want to change my order?

A minimum of three hours notice is required for changing concrete orders. To change your order, call 1-800-CONCRETE or 651-683-8150 during business hours. Our summer phone hours are 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our winter phone hours are 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.


What if I want to cancel my order?

You may cancel your order with us for the concrete you order at any time up to 3 hours from the start of your delivery time, or before 5 p.m. the previous working day if your deliver is due before midday, 12 p.m.  You do not need to give us any reason for canceling your order nor will you have to pay any penalty.

Once you have notified us that you are canceling your order, any sum debited to us from your credit card will be re-credited to your account as soon as possible.


Who do I call if I have any other questions?

Please contact our dispatch team at 1-800-CONCRETE or 651-683-8150 during business hours. Our summer phone hours are 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our winter phone hours are 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.